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Support Grades of Green!

Help us continue to support the green leaders of tomorrow by donating today!



Verte 2020 is going online!  Without the funds that Verte supplies in April and May, we may not be able to continue funding our students' projects and building the next generation of Eco-Leaders. Please donate today!

If you are looking for another great way to support Grades of Green then jump into our Online Auction this week!

One of the biggest highlights of Verte is our incredible auction! We have been hard at work locking in more than 50 amazing items and experiences to include in our online auction, launching this Friday, May 22nd, at noon PT. So set your calendar to get your bids in before the auction - and the unbeatable deals! - are gone.  

We look forward to an unforgettable event next year, with double the fun and excitement once we're all able to safely gather together.

Take a moment to listen to a heartfelt message from Grades of Green Co-Founder, Shaya Kirkpatrick


Thank you for your support

Hosted By

Grades of Green

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